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  • Garbage
    Most likely the residents are not having it anymore, a handwritten signboard is seen installed by the roadside where it is obviously piled up with rubbish over a long period of time. These areas that have become filthy, will eventually attract pests, and unwanted insects or animals. Health is definitely at risk !<.. Read More
  • Garbage
    There are many ways to handle your old furniture, such as donation, recycling, sell, trade-in or repair. If it is badly damaged, you may look for services which can dispose of your furniture for you for a fee. You may also contact your local council to check if they offer such services, such as MBPJ has started th.. Read More
  • Vandalisme
    A signboard has been hit and vandalised however there is no trace of the culprit anywhere nor any reports being made. Signboards in such alleys plays a huge part for the traffic as accidents often happen in these alleys. Hopefully the authority could advise the public on how to make a report if they encounter such.. Read More
  • Throw the book at them
    KUALA LUMPUR: Police have suggested filing a heavier charge against those responsible for the recent pollution that caused an unscheduled water cut in parts of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur... Read More
  • Dealing with illegal factories in Ampang Jaya
    RESIDENCES turned into factories are flourishing in Ampang Jaya and many of them are operating without valid business licences or permits. According to Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ), some 68 out of 235 mostly residential lots had been turned into factories and are operating without council approval.
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  • Putrajaya limits foreign workers only to construction, agriculture, plantations sectors
    KUALA LUMPUR, July 29 ― The government has determined that foreign workers will be limited to work in only three sectors to ensure that Malaysians will be employed after the economy was badly hit by the Covid-19 pandemic and the movement control order (MCO) that followed... Read More
  • Environmental Issues
    KUALA LUMPUR, July 29 ― Implementation of the Petrol Subsidy Programme (PSP) and environmental issues are among topics that will be discussed during the  Dewan Rakyat sitting which enters its 11th day today... Read More
  • Environmental Issues
    KUALA LUMPUR, July 29 ― Implementation of the Petrol Subsidy Programme (PSP) and environmental issues are among topics that will be discussed during the  Dewan Rakyat sitting which enters its 11th day today... Read More
  • Potholes
    KUALA LUMPUR: Potholes, registration of new businesses, implementation of the new Petrol Subsidy Programme (PSP) and foreign workers are among issues to be raised in Dewan Rakyat on Wednesday (July 29)... Read More
  • PKPP: Lima perkara penting kenyataan media Ismail Sabri hari ini
    KUALA LUMPUR: Berikut adalah lima perkara yang anda perlu tahu daripada kenyataan Menteri Kanan Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob berkaitan pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan (PKPP) pada Jumaat, 24 Julai 2020... Read More